2013 #oneword resolution

The word I have selected for my 2013 #oneword resolution will probably come as no surprise to you if you have read the last couple of blog posts. I have selected JOY. I started reflecting on life in November as I was managing multiple transitions and wrote this piece on joy.

As a guiding word for my resolutions in the new year, I hope to turn my joy from this:

dusty joy

Into this:


Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines joy as: the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires; a state of happiness or felicity.

In particular, I seek to create well-being for myself and others by living an authentic and purposeful life. I want to be more present in the moment, seek out the good, and take care of myself and those I cherish most through mental and physical activity.

As for the “prospect of possessing what one desires,” this is the year my friends for the dissertation to be completed. For the last of this chapter in my life to be written so the next can begin. It is time.

So, here’s to a year being shaped by the word joy. 2013.

How about you? What is your one word or new year resolutions?

How one word can shape a year…

I started using the One Word challenge in 2011 thanks to the inspiration of the #wlsalt community. Previously, I had set specific goals and due dates. It was very scripted and I set out with fervor each year to accomplish the goals. Overall, that process worked very well through the years and I accomplished many goals that way.

When I moved to the One Word challenge, I’ll admit I was probably just jumping on the band wagon. It did seem like a good idea but I had no idea what it would mean to pick a word that was meant to guide an entire year. Think about that…one word, defining an entire year. No specific goals, no deadlines. Just a word. For this strategic planner and type A personality, I wasn’t quite sure how it would work.

The past two years have shown me more about myself and how the one word I selected manifest in my life each day. Now that there was one word constantly whispered in my ear, I held it closer as I made decisions. Looking back, I picked the perfect word to frame each year without knowing what was to come. I cannot imagine more perfect words than the ones I selected to guide the last two years of my life.

Let me share.

Lotus Flower

The Lotus flower’s unfolding petals suggest the expansion of the soul.

In 2011, I chose spirit. That was the start of the year that I was coming off of the Women’s Leadership Institute and a 2 week trip to India. Those experiences touched the depths of my spirit and helped me feel alive again. I wanted to keep the fire inside my craw (that’s a good ol’ southern term my friends!) going. I wrote, “Spirit is the place from where I draw my courage, passion and agency to impact the world.” I knew it, I felt it and I wanted to live it.

fearNo wonder I chose fearless for 2012! I felt courage and passion and was ready to be fearless. Thank goodness I did! I had no idea how important that word would be to me in 2012. Let’s see, the year included: securing a promotion and negotiating successfully, defending my dissertation proposal, being elected to my sorority’s International Council, quitting my job and moving across the country, and becoming a full time doctoral candidate. All in one year. I can’t tell you how many times I listened to the fearless playlist that many of you helped create! When I needed a reminder to be courageous and go after my dreams with fearless abandon, there it was- my one word. Fearless.

As 2013 approaches I am contemplating what word to choose. I am going to let the chaos and noise just fade away and listen for a moment. My spirit will whisper something softly…